We are working to make our webpages accessible to all.

In the mean time we have a few suggestions you may like to use. We hope this guide helps you navigate our website in your preferred way. If you have any questions, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

There are a few different options to get a webpage read out to you:


  1. Built-in text-to-speech functionality: Some web browsers, such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, have built-in text-to-speech functionality that can read web pages out loud to you. To use this feature, select the text you want read out loud, then right-click and choose “Read aloud” or a similar option.
  2. Screen reader software: Screen readers are software programs that read the content of a computer screen out loud. There are a variety of screen readers available for different platforms and operating systems, such as JAWS for Windows, VoiceOver for Mac, and NVDA for Windows. You can find more information and download links for these programs online.
  3. Browser extensions: There are also browser extensions available, such as Read Aloud or SpeakIt, that can read web pages out loud to you. These extensions typically have a button or icon that you can click to start and stop the reading.
  4. Online text-to-speech tools: There are many online text-to-speech tools available that can read web pages out loud to you. Simply copy and paste the text you want to hear into the tool, and it will generate an audio file that you can listen to.  NaturalReader is a good option. Note that the accuracy and quality of these options may vary, so you may need to experiment to find the one that works best for you.
  5. Reading Downloaded Documents: This text-to-speech tool is useful if you need a downloaded document read out to you .


How to Translate Our Website into Your Preferred Language


To translate our website into your preferred language, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the page you want to translate.
  2. Choose “translate into [insert language here]” from the drop-down menu.
  3. A translation of the page will appear.
  4. At the top right-hand side of the search bar, an icon will appear. Click on it.
  5. Choose the language you want the page to be translated into.
  6. The page will now appear in your chosen language.


Please note that this will have to be repeated on every page visited, as the translation function does not translate the entire website at once.


Screen Colour change

There are several ways to change the color of webpages you access, depending on your preferences and the device you are using. Here are some options:

  1. Using browser extensions: There are many browser extensions available that allow you to change the color of webpages you visit. Examples include Dark Reader, Night Eye, and Color Changer.
  2. Using built-in browser settings: Some web browsers, such as Google Chrome, allow you to customize the color settings in the browser itself. To do this, go to the settings menu in your browser and look for the “Appearance” or “Themes” section. From there, you may be able to change the background color or apply a dark theme.
  3. Operating System Settings: Some operating systems (e.g., Windows, Mac OS) have settings that allow you to change the color scheme of your device. This can affect the color of all applications, including webpages. For instance, in Windows, you can go to Settings > Personalization > Colors, and choose a color scheme that suits your preferences.